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Research has shown that using mobile phones, especially for social media, can be an escape from our regular lives. In an increasingly hectic and demanding world, our phones provide a way to focus on something else. They offer an instant diversion, a way to temporarily ease discomfort or avoid the problems in our lives.



1. hectic   /ˈhɛktɪk/   adj. 繁忙的,忙乱的; (脸)潮红的;发痨病热的   n. 潮热,痨病热

2. diversion   /daɪˈvɜːʃən/   n. 转向,转移; 绕行路,支路; 转移注意力的事物,分心的事物; 消遣,娱乐

A study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry suggests that cellphone dependency is a real and growing problem. It analyzes the concept of cellphone dependency and how it has evolved from a global view of the mobile phone as a device to a complex relationship between man and technology. This study found that chronic smartphone use has become a default response to unoccupied moments, creating an "always-on" mentality. The study highlighted the "compulsive checking" phenomenon, where individuals feel compelled to check their phones constantly, even without notifications.



1. device   /dɪˈvaɪs/   n. 装置,设备; 手段,方法; 花招,诡计; 炸弹,爆炸装置; 图画,设计; (某物的)样式,外表

2. default  /dɪˈfɔːlt/  n. 不履行,违约; 默认,系统设定值; 缺席,弃权  v. 违约,不履行义务; 默认,预设; 弃权,未到场

The research also noted that this behavior is linked to the fear of missing out (FOMO), social anxiety that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. This FOMO can lead to an unhealthy attachment to the phone, resulting in an inability to resist the urge to reach for it during idle moments. This dependency is further fueled by the instant gratification provided by social media, games, and other apps.



1.reach for 伸手去拿;努力追

2. idle   /ˈaɪdəl/   adj. 无事可做的; 懒惰的; 闲置的; 空闲的; 琐碎无聊的,毫无意义的; 虚张声势的,唬人的; (钱)现金保存的,存于无息账户的   v. 闲混,无所事事; 使……停止工作,使闲散; (发动机、车辆)空转

Using our phones, particularly for social media, stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This feeling can be compelling, leading to a cycle where we constantly check our phones for that next "hit" of dopamine. But what happens when this behavior becomes habitual? A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found a direct and positive association between attention impulsiveness and cellphone dependency. This suggests that our inability to resist the pull of our phones may be linked to certain personality traits.



1.neurotransmitter   /ˌnjʊərəʊtrænzˈmɪtə/   n. 神经递质;神经传递素

These personality traits include low self-control and high attention impulsiveness, which is the tendency to act on sudden impulses. People with high attention impulsiveness find it challenging to focus on one task for an extended period, making them more susceptible to the instant gratification smartphones offer. Furthermore, individuals with high levels of social anxiety or neuroticism, characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and emotional instability, were also found to be more prone to smartphone dependency due to their increased likelihood of using the device as a coping mechanism.

这些人格特质包括自控力低和高注意力冲动,即容易根据突然的冲动采取行动。存在高度注意力冲动的人会发现长时间专注于一项任务很难,这使他们更容易受到智能手机提供的即时满足感的影响。翻译划线句,长按文末小程序码打卡,答案下期公布~1.coping mechanism 应对机制:指个人或群体在面对压力、挑战或危机时所采取的心理和行为策略,以应对和缓解负面情绪和压力。


This FOMO can lead to an unhealthy attachment to the phone, resulting in an inability to resist the urge to reach for it during idle moments.

结构:…, resulting in an inability to resist the urge to reach for it during idle moments.…,从而在闲暇时无法克制拿起手机的冲动。

例句:Contemporary people are too dependent on mobile phones, resulting in an inability to resist the urge to reach for it during idle moments.




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