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If you ever took a marketing course, you may remember the famous case from the 1950s about General Mills’ launch of Betty Crocker cake mixes, which called for simply adding water, mixing, and baking. Despite the product’s excellent performance, sales were initially disappointing. That was puzzling until managers figured out the problem: The mix made baking too easy, and buyers felt they were somehow cheating when they used it. On the basis of that insight, the company removed egg powder from the ingredients and asked customers to crack an egg and beat it into the mix. That small change made those bakers feel better about themselves and so boosted sales. Today, 70 years later, most cake mixes still require users to add an egg.


We can take a lesson from that story today. As companies increasingly embrace automated products and services, they need to understand how those things make their customers feel about themselves. To date, however, managers and academics have usually focused on something quite different: understanding what customers think about those things. Researchers have been studying, for example, whether people prefer artificial intelligence over humans (they don’t), how moral or fair AI is perceived to be (not very), and the tasks for which people are likely to resist the adoption of automation (those that are less quantifiable and more open to interpretation).


All that is important to consider. But now that people are starting to interact frequently and meaningfully with AI and automated technologies, both at and outside work, it’s time to focus on the emotions those technologies evoke.




affect /əˈfekt/ vt. 影响;

sense of self 自我意识;

performance /pərˈfɔːrməns/ n. 表现;

puzzling /ˈpʌzlɪŋ/ adj. 令人困惑的;

insight /ˈɪnsaɪt/ n. 洞察力;

ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ n. 成分;

embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/ vt. 拥抱;欣然接受,乐意采纳;

automated /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ adj. 自动化的;

academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ n. 大学教师,学者;

moral /ˈmɔːrəl/ adj. 道德的;

fair /fer/ adj. 公平的;

resist /rɪˈzɪst/ vt. 抵抗;




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