There is a bulky white structure in my little village by the Hudson river in New York just north of the Bronx. It has a 19th-century solidity to it and, on most days, offers a lovely prospect. As you descend the driveway, you see the flowing Hudson and the verdant hills on the other bank on the way down. Its past lives include stints as a brewery, Bible printer and US Navy office. These days it’s filled with the sorts of niche businesses that suburban New Yorkers need, including a CrossFit studio, co-working spaces and the karate dojo where my younger son trains. I take him on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, listening to him talk on the way there about what he’s going to learn and on the way back about how well he learned.
In just a few hours the weather had gone from overcast to smoggy and oppressive. The air felt heavy; a few deep breaths left a slight sting in the throat. This Tuesday’s return conversation was different. “It looks like the world is ending,” he said, getting into the car in his purple-belted uniform.
Wednesday was worse. Our office is on the 16th storey in East Midtown, and over the course of the day the usually glorious view from the windows had become obscured. When I walked outside to get lunch, more people were masked than unmasked for the first time in a couple of years. The air smelled like an old campfire, smoky and slightly fetid.
grab/ɡræb/ vt. 攫取,抓住;
bulky/ˈbʌlki/ adj. 笨重的,庞大的;大块头的;
Hudson river 哈德逊河;
solidity/səˈlɪdəti/ n. 坚固,坚硬;稳固,可靠(性);
prospect/ˈprɑːspekt/ n. 可能性,希望;预期,展望;(尤指事业的)成功机会,前景;
descend/dɪˈsend/ vt. 下来,下降;下倾,下斜;降临,来临;
driveway/ˈdraɪvweɪ/ n.(从建筑物,住房,车库等通往大路的)私人车道;
verdant/ˈvɜːrd(ə)nt/ adj. 青翠的;翠绿的;
stint/stɪnt/ n. 从事某项工作的时间;有限供给,有限的努力;一段时间;
brewery/ˈbruːəri/ n. 啤酒厂,啤酒公司;
niche/niːʃ/ adj. (产品)针对特定小群体的;
karate dojo 空手道道场;