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One reason dinosaurs are so popular with schoolchildren is that many of them are so extraordinarily big. Tyrannosaurus rex, a meat-eater, was up to 12 metres long—about half the length of a tennis court—and is thought to have weighed up to 7 tonnes. Some of the herbivorous dinosaurs were bigger still: Patagotitan mayorum, discovered in 2014. was 37m long and may have weighed 69 tonnes.

恐龙如此受小学生欢迎的原因之一是它们中的许多都非常大。雷克斯霸王龙是一种食肉动物,体长可达12米,大约是网球场长度的一半,据说体重可达7吨。一些食草恐龙的体型更大:2014年发现的巨型巴塔哥尼亚龙(Patagotitan mayorum)长37米,体重可能达到了69吨。

But the true giants do not live on land, where the pull of gravity imposes limits on how heavy an animal can grow. They live in the sea, where their enormous bodies can be supported by the water. The most massive animal to have ever lived is still swimming around today. The blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, regularly tips the scales at over 100 tonnes. Some estimates have pegged individuals at 190 tonnes.

但真正的巨型生物并不生活在陆地上,因为陆地上的重力限制了动物生长的重量。它们生活在海洋中,巨大的身体可以由海水支撑。有史以来最巨大的动物至今仍在游动。蓝鲸(Balaenoptera musculus)的体重通常超过100吨。据估计,一些蓝鲸的体重达到190吨。

But now, it seems, the blue whale has a challenger. On August 2nd, in a paper published in Nature, Giovanni Bianucci, a palaeontologist at the University of Pisa, and his colleagues describe Perucetus colossus, an extinct marine mammal that swam the ocean shallows around 40m years ago. It may have weighed up to 340 tonnes, making it by far the most massive animal ever to have existed. Or at least, that is the upper estimate. Dr Bianucci and his team, working in the Ica Valley, an arid desert in southern Peru, were able to recover only an incomplete skeleton, consisting of 13 vertebrae and four ribs.

但现在,蓝鲸似乎有了挑战者。8月2日,比萨大学的古生物学家乔瓦尼-比亚努奇和他的同事在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇论文,描述了一种已经灭绝的海洋哺乳动物—巨鲸(Perucetus colossus),大约生活在40万年前海洋浅水区。它可能重达340吨,是迄今为止较巨大的动物。或者说,至少这是上限估计。比亚努奇博士和他的团队在秘鲁南部的干旱沙漠——伊卡谷工作时,只能找到一具不完整的骨骼,包括13块脊椎骨和4块肋骨。



dinosaur/ˈdaɪnəˌsɔr/ n. 恐龙;

blue whale 蓝鲸;

Perucetus colossus 巨鲸;巨大的秘鲁鲸(来自秘鲁的巨鲸);

still/stɪl/ adv. (加强比较级)还要,更;

schoolchild/ˈskuːltʃaɪld/ n. 小学生;学童;

extraordinarily/ɪkˌstrɔːrdəˈnerəli/ adv. 非常地,异常地,出奇地;

Tyrannosaurus rex 雷克斯霸王龙(恐龙名称);

weigh up to 达到(某重量);重达;

herbivorous/ɜːrˈbɪvərəs/ adj. 食草的;

Patagotitan mayorum 巨型巴塔哥尼亚龙;梅氏巴塔哥巨龙;

pull of gravity 重力的作用;引力作用;

impose…on 将…强加于;

Balaenoptera musculus 蓝鲸;




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