The characteristic flushed cheeks and occasional sheen of sweat on someone who's been imbibing certainly suggest that alcohol has an effect on body temperature, but when you drink an alcoholic beverage, does it really warm you up?
Alcohol is a vasodilator. It causes your blood vessels to dilate, particularly the capillaries just under the surface of your skin. When you have a drink, the volume of blood brought to the skin's surface increases, making you feel warm.
That dilation is why slightly or exceedingly intoxicated people look flushed. This overrides one of your body's defenses against cold temperatures: Constricting your blood vessels, thereby minimizing blood flow to your skin in order to keep your core body temperature up.
Someone enjoying a drink in the cold may feel warmer from the extra blood warming his skin, but that blood will rapidly cool thanks to the chill in the air. The warmth caused by blood rushing to the skin will also make him sweat, decreasing his core temperature even further.
Compounded with the cognitive effects of alcohol, serious complications can arise. The rapid drop often occurs without the drinker realizing it, because his skin will still feel fairly warm, which makes it doubly dangerous to drink alcohol in extremely cold weather.
When you shiver, your muscles tighten and relax over and over again in a short amount of time. The energy that it takes to make your muscles do that gives off heat, keeping your body a little warmer than it would otherwise be.
But, drinking alcohol in chilly weather reduces the body's ability and tendency to shiver, taking away yet another method your body uses to help keep warm when it is cold.
imbibe [ɪmˈbaɪb] v. 饮;喝;吸收;接纳
intoxicate [ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪt] v. 使醉;使中毒;使兴奋
constrict [kənˈstrɪkt] v. 压缩;收紧;收缩;限制