odd /od/ adj.奇怪的;偶然发生的 adv.大约 真题复现1:Butin myexperience,using such methodsto free up the odd 30 minutes doesn't work.(2016英二,Text3) 真题翻译:但是以我的经验来看,用这些方法来腾出零碎的三十分钟是行不通的。
真题复现2:Atthe same time, Dickens, who had areporter's eye for transcribing the life around him,especially anything comic or odd, submitted shortsketches to obscure magazines.(2017英一,新题型) 真题翻译:与此同时,狄更斯向一些不知名的杂志投递了短篇小说,他以记者的眼光记录周围生活,尤其是一些滑稽有趣或奇怪的事物。
真题复现3:Even demographics are working against themiddle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderlyparent ... have jumped eightfold in just one generation.(2007,Text 3) 真题翻译:甚至人口统计数据也对中产阶级家庭不利,因为在短短一代人的时间里,(家庭中)有一个年老体弱的父亲或母亲的概率已经跃升了八倍。